Innovation and Technology: Interview from Wired Magazine

  What’s the single most important thing you think people need to understand about innovation in research and development?


Tools drive science. Not theory, not experiment; it’s the tools. And it’s this that has made the computer such an incredible force for scientific innovation. For example, the ability of the computer to crunch unbelievable amounts of information; to design and fabricate micromachinery; to link disparate technologies into networks; to create new materials with new properties; and to visualize what’s going on in complex interaction has completely changed the speed and nature of innovation. And now the feedback loops are getting tighter and tighter as we use computers to create new tools and then we turn around and use these new tools to create yet more computing power and we create more new artifacts and materials. It’s a virtuous spiral.

  What’s the human impact of these tools on how people think or on how society functions?

  Obviously, technology influences society and vice versa. Society and technology form a co-evolutionary system. New tools have transformed by orders of magnitude the questions we can ask and answer. I can now do in one day what it once took me ten years to do, I can now think about asking questions I would never have dared to think ask before. Those questions were there before, but they were beyond exploration. I’d never thought about asking them because they were impractical to ask. Just as important, we see new communities of practice growing around these tools that give us the opportunity to make major strides by powerfully combining disciplines that were once seemingly unrelated such as in chemistry and the theory of algorithms as we see in the emerging field of nanotechnology. We have interdisciplinary communities that otherwise wouldn’t have existed now asking — and answering — questions they couldn’t have meaningfully asked before.

  Just how multidisciplinary are these new communities around new tools? Xerox Parc has a pretty vibrant artists-in-residence program. Is that a “nice-to-have” or a “need-to-have”?

  Today’s fast moving pioneering research needs artists and out-of-the-box thinkers who are willing to challenge existing paradigms as much as we need traditional scientists. Artists bring a different design sensibility to tools than scientists and engineers do;the notion of ‘composing’ in atoms and or bits is a deliberately artsy metaphor. Many artists are also natural bricoleurs. They instinctively use tools and materials that are at hand to build new works, taking things out of an established and expected context and putting it in an unexpected one. This way they make us think in new and unexpected ways. That’s something science, too, is starting to do—and scientists can learn a lot about working this way from artists.

  How does your understanding and philosophy of computation differ from classical approaches to computation and engineering?


We’re trying to figure out how to work with nature and the world as opposed to extracting the problem out of the world. You might think of it as a form of judo where we ask how we can get the world to do some of work for us. We start our inquiries by saying, let’s not immediately go to the formal representation because as soon as you formally represent it, you are taking it out of its context. and sometimes the context contains the key to a clever solution as Sherlock Holmes often discovered.

In classical R & D, every time you come up against a road block, you panic. The bigger the road block, the more depressed you get, and the more you try to circumvent it. But when you’re doing pioneering research, the bigger the roadblock, in some sense the closer you may be to discovering something fundamental about nature. So by going to the root of the barrier you let nature drive you. If you actually get multiple disciplines together working around the root of a problem, the problem itself pulls you out of your own discipline causing you to fuse different points of view that can lead to a fundamental reframing of the problem. Good architects, for example, constantly figure out how to transform constraints into resources as do edge designers and pioneering re searchers. Consider, for example, how some of the most recent research in creating an AIDS vaccine is, I think, trying to find ways to leverage the rapid mutation of the virus as a resource.

  That goes right back to the issue of how artists use tools versus scientists and technologists.
  Artists use tools in a playful way, because they don’t necessarily have to solve new problems. Conversely, the biologist or in my case material scientists begin to understand we can compose matter by bringing bits and atoms together in novel ways. For example, the beautiful work by Mark Yim and his group on building polybots—modular robots that can reconfigure themselves for the task at hand suggests what might be possible as their modules shrink in size using MEMS (micro electrical mechanical systems) therein creating something they call digital clay.

  How does that help?

  It started to bug me this morning while I was thinking, ‘Why don’t we have more avante guard scientists?’ We have an active ‘artists in residence, where the artists are almost always avante guard artists — artists who are skilled at pushing the extant genres of their trade. But if you are pushing or transgressing the boundaries what guideposts do you use? The answer is simple—taste! A personal but well honed sense of aesthetics.

  Do you really think of yourself as a composer, or as an editor? Because a composer has to start with a blank sheet of paper while the editor, at least, gets to start with something.

  The composers of my world bring atoms and bits together, which is [where the next big action really is]. When you bring atoms and bits together, you are really composing smart stuff (i.e., materials). I think creating new forms of matter and media is a different game, driven by a mixture of composing and blurring—blurring the boundaries of computation and matter.

  So “composed” is a more artful word.

  Yes, absolutely. For example, I think the ability to assemble and control huge numbers (even zillions) of micro machines each driven by local rules with an ability to wirelessly communicate to its nearest neighbors will create a whole new genre of self diagnosing, self repairing systems. For a trivial example, consider some new kind of smart stuff for building walls where the smart stuff can cancel sound by reversing the phase of the sound wave. So the wall becomes perfect at absorbing sound by canceling it . Although such material does not exist yet, similar ideas are being used to cancel buckling moments of steel columns. I could also exemplify this through some of our radical new approaches to printing but I will refrain—we have learned some lessons from the past.

  Why did you pick “compose” rather than “author” or “sculpt”?


Sculpt, I didn’t think of it, but we certainly do a lot of sculpturing with some of the new deep etching techniques. But compose just seems to me to capture the spirit of bringing atoms and bits together. It is just the sense I get as I walk the halls of PARC And composing reminds me that (like some composers), we are conductors, too, orchestrating different practices and pieces of material so that they work together.

  What gets you more excited, knowing you can find a charismatic young research leader or a charismatic new tool?

  In today’s world,I would go for charismatic tools.

  Is that a politically correct answer or do you really believe it?


No — I believe it. It’s been my experience although, of course, there is a deep interplay between the two. After all, who created the ‘charismatic’ tool in the first place? Isn’t this question a bit like the chicken and the egg kind of question. The real key is how to create a charismatic milieu that combines leading edge tools with a culture of being an edge designer.

How Do You Tell the Tools Apart?

  What makes one tool better than another?

  Obviously, different tools serve different purposes. I like to think about the Q factor of a tool. The hammer can be used for all kinds of purpose many of which it does reasonably well. On the other hand, the electron microscope has a limited set of uses but it does those extremely well. It has a high Q factor. Use it for how it is meant to be used and it is incredibly good; use it in ways that it was not designed to be used and you have problems.

  Ahhhh, Q-factor. Isn’t that a term used in electronic circuit design.

  Yes, it’s a term often applied to filters, etc. I use it here because it has a nice metaphorical meaning especially for computational tools. Consider the original email systems, by just transmitting unformatted text everyone could use it since the protocol was so simple — almost nothing had to be pre-agreed. The same with the original HTTP but as we move to new generations of email and http, we are increasing their Q factor. The new protocols help us do some things incredibly well but can complicate the interpreters we build and may work against novel uses of these tools along dimensions not honored by the protocol extensions.

  We have this world where CORPORATE research is A MAJOR source of innovation. Is there any way that we can transfer this on a larger scale to many smaller individuals?

  For some kinds of activities, yes! Consider various OPEN SOURCE movements such as Linux, IETF or even the original MOSIS system for bootstrapping the community mind about VLSI design.

  Do you see the open source philosophy being an important ingredient of innovation?


Absolutely! I consider, for example, Linux an amazing achievement in how to tap and support the creative juices of the community mind. We need to better understand what makes it work, in what other circumstances will such an approach work. For example, would Linux have achieved it current successes without a master architect carefully adjudicating what goes into the core and what didn’t. It’s easy to think of Open Source as unstructured or unorganized, but we have to realize that intriguingly being able to say no is perhaps the most critical skill in designing complex systems! How might we lift the learning's of this open source community to one that might, for example, create educational material. How do we better understand the role of social capital in fostering such movements? How is social capital traded off against financial capital and need it be?


What do you find provocative about “open source” as a tool or a medium?

  As we discuss in our recent book, The Social Life of Information, we—as technologists—have tended to focus on information and individuals leaving out context, communities. Open source is a beautiful example of how the expert system often lies in the community mind. With the rise of the internet and tools for supporting virtual communities we may now be in position to really leverage the community mind. Open source may also give us a way to crack the robustness problems of really complex systems. In Linux, for example, you write code to be read by others as well as executed by the computer. Writing code to be read is a great form of community hygiene. And when code is meant to be read by others, it has its own social life, so to speak, and as such it gets picked up by the community and used in all kinds of new ways. Pretty soon we all become bricoleurs and then the community mind becomes a new kind of platform for innovation.


How much do we have to know about making judgments about consciousness to do research?

  I said earlier that taste, a personal sense of aesthetics are part of what artists can help scientists learn. Because taste and judgment are critical parts, but easily overlooked parts, of scientific practice. Their part of the tacit understanding that scientists bring to their work. We tend to think of scientists as automata—brilliantly logical, but purely logical, working on explicit knowledge. But great science and research involve intuition, from choosing the right problem to address and judging the right way to address it, to recognizing what counts as a worthwhile answer.

The Best Tool is the World. Nature as Tool.

  Yes, as I said at the beginning of this conversation I try to use the conceptual lenses of judo. That is, how do you let the world do more of the work for you by interpreting the invisible physical and social forces at work and leveraging them rather than ignoring or fighting them ? When I was a purebred computer scientist, I was taught to take the problem out of the context and represent it, compute on it, and put it back in to the context. So knowledge representation, [data structures], and algorithms were the sole coin of the day. Now what we’re beginning to see is, if you can actually build systems that interact with the world, you can let the world do more of the work. When you come to composing the new types of structural smart matter, you actually have now a chance to figure out how you work with [physics] — not against it. You let physics of the situation do some of the computing? And, of course, our discussion of various open source movements is another example of leveraging the social world—or actually enabling the social world to leverage itself once you see how the invisible social world of information works.

  Above you gave some great examples of the social but can you give me a concrete example of leveraging physics to help solve your problem.

  Sure. In transforming how one might do high speed color laser printing, we wanted to create a new kind of optical system for spraying light on the photoreceptor belt. The idea was to create a tiny chip that had thousands of lasers on it and on top of each laser to build a microscopic lens that could shuttle back and forth a few microns, steering the laser beam as it moved. But how could we make these lenses, each less than the diameter of a human hair. Grind them or grow them. The technique our guys finally converged on was so simple it was shocking. In essence, take some of the lensing material, confine it to a tiny circle and heat it up. WhamO. The surface tension of the liquid causes a lens to form. Wonderfully simple. Let the world do the work. Elegant, yes and extremely practical. As Paul and I say in our book, the way ahead is often to look around.

  One last question. Do you see any fundamental shifts on the horizon for R&D Centers?


Absolutely. I think a fundamental shift is happening stemming from finding ways to leverage knowledge ecologies such as Silicon Valley. These ecologies are great at exploring many ideas in parallel; they are so great at doing this that you find that there is a shift underway that turns much of the classical R&D into A&D — that is, acquisition and development. Indeed, that is one of the reasons we have been focusing more of our effort on pioneering research that explores the whitespace between disciplines and between the arts and the sciences. For such explorations you need to have a critical mass and a rich ecology of disciplines and tastes all working shoulder to shoulder. That is difficult to do justify in the valley and it is a unique role for a certain kind of corporate research.